Messaging Guidance: Secret / Big Money in Politics
Topline Messaging Guidance:
- The ACE Act would serve the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of Black, brown, young, and new Americans. If passed, it would increase the power of Super PACS by reducing reporting requirements and decreasing donor transparency.
- The ACE Act increases the role of megadonors and special interests in our elections, from raising contribution limits to opening the door to more corporate money in our politics. Politicians must be accountable to the American people, not megadonors.
- Instead of ensuring Super PACs are transparent and independent, the ACE Act would reduce reporting requirements and decrease transparency requirements, which will lead to Americans’ continued distrust of our politics.
- Secret money spending has led to billionaires and corporations acting in the shadows to influence our politics. The ACE Act would further weaken disclosure laws to increase dark money spending.
- In order to prevent corruption, Congress must work to ensure that spending by outside groups is transparent and fully independent.
- Increasing the role of big money donors in our politics prevents Congress from taking action on the issues that matter most to Americans like healthcare, reproductive rights, gun safety, and the environment.
Additional talking points:
- Americans don’t want corporations buying influence and drowning out our voices. We must tackle corruption and ensure that our government works for us by reducing the influence of big money in politics and increasing disclosure requirements to shine a light on secret money in politics.