Don Bacon Votes With MAGA Extremists To Undermine Faith in American Elections

WASHINGTON — In response to Rep. Bacon voting with extreme MAGA House Republicans on a bill to falsely cast doubt in the integrity of our elections (H.R. 8281), House Accountability War Room spokesperson Zac Petkanas issued the following statement:

“Today, Rep. Bacon joined the same MAGA House Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election in voting for the so-called SAVE Act – legislation intended to undermine trust in our democracy and lay the foundation for another insurrection. Passing this bill is part of a broader campaign by MAGA extremists to further restrict our access to the ballot and strip Americans of their fundamental rights. Rep. Bacon is yet again abusing the power given to him by the constituents of NE-02 and failing to address the real challenges facing Nebraska families.”

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About House Accountability War Room
House Accountability War Room is an independent rapid response operation. The war room will leverage research, deploy messaging and engage partners to hold House leadership accountable as the caucus moves to take away core freedoms, distort the truth, and put the profits of corporations above the wellbeing of working families.