WATCH: Arizonans Expose Project 2025’s Plans, Call on Rep. Schweikert To Oppose Project 2025

Phoenix, AZ — Today, local advocates came together for a press conference in Phoenix to highlight how Project 2025 will hurt seniors, working families, veterans, and the environment. Arizonans demanded that Rep. David Schweikert support H. Res. 1386 and stand against the dangerous policies of Project 2025. 

Project 2025 is an unprecedented and dangerous takeover of our government by MAGA Republicans and wealthy billionaire donors that threatens Americans’ rights and freedoms, seeks to undermine our democracy, and hurts  middle class Arizonans. Many of Project 2025’s extreme policies have already been embraced by Representative Schweikert

Here is what Project 2025 would mean for Arizona families:

  • The typical family-of-four in Arizona would see a tax increase of $2,720 per year.
  • 458,700 Medicaid enrollees in Arizona would be at risk of losing coverage because they are low income and lack access to alternative, affordable coverage. 
  • The cost of prescription drugs would increase for up to 388,850 people in Arizona by eliminating out-of-pocket Medicare drug cost limits. 
  • 981,000 women in Arizona would lose guaranteed access to free emergency contraception. 
  • 16,285 low-income children in Arizona would be affected by the elimination of Head Start programs.
  • 4,295 teaching positions would be cut if Title I is eliminated, hurting an estimated 97,931 students. 
  • Veterans currently eligible for a disability rating but who have not yet made claims could be denied benefits entirely, and those who have already made claims and been granted a disability rating could see their benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other safety net benefits slashed. 
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would be gutted, making it harder for governments and residents to plan and prepare for hurricanes or other extreme weather events.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to protect Americans from pollution would be severely limited, as would the agency’s climate change initiatives. 

Here’s what today’s speakers had to say: 

Arizona State Representative Sarah Liguori, said: “The [Project 2025] plan would increase taxes on the middle class and working families, while giving massive tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy… Middle class families would once again bear the brunt of the tax burden. That is not the Arizona way. We can not allow Project 2025 to become a reality. It would devastate working families, raise costs, and strip away critical protections. Congressman Schweikert needs to stop supporting extreme policies which hurt the people of his district, and start standing up for the people of Arizona.”

Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans President Linda Somo, said: “Arizonans have already made it clear that they do not want to support these extreme, out-of-touch [Project 2025] policies. Yet, Congressman Schweikert continues to vote for tax giveaways to the ultra-wealthy, while putting our families and retirees at risk. It’s time for Congressman Schweikert to stop voting for corporate interests, and start voting for the people of Arizona. Arizona seniors depend on Medicare and Social Security; Project 2025 threatens to undermine these critical programs all to the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.”


About House Accountability War Room
House Accountability War Room is an independent rapid response operation. The war room will leverage research, deploy messaging and engage partners to hold House leadership accountable as the caucus moves to take away core freedoms, distort the truth, and put the profits of corporations above the wellbeing of working families.

About Honest Arizona
Honest Arizona is a grassroots coalition made up of Arizona families, seniors, working people, young advocates, and everyone in between. We want our elected officials to put Arizonans’ issues first — to advocate for economic policies that make life more affordable.